Thursday, September 9, 2010

July 6, 2010

a little bit for spite
a little bit for fun
everything for love
just to show it can be done

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

everything at once

Tell me that I'm wrong. Tell me that I'm right. Tell me something other than the conclusion that I've jumped to. Tell me that I jumped too soon, or that I never jumped at all.

Give me answer to questions unasked. Keep your secrets to yourself. Honesty requires no secrets. Let your words pour out like rain from the heavy clouds.

Hold me tightly against the storm. Stay out of my thoughts. Let my inevitable devestation take place. I'll stand back and watch yours. Unable to do anything, I'll try everything.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 2, 2010

off balance

There's a part of me that knows no fight.
There's a part of me that tries.
There's a part of me that never wins.
There's a part of me that hides.

There are pieces of me that never die.
There are pieces of me that were never alive.
There are pieces of me consumed by life.
There are pieces of me plagued by insecurities.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone