Thursday, September 9, 2010

July 6, 2010

a little bit for spite
a little bit for fun
everything for love
just to show it can be done


Opaque said...

Hmm. None of these are the right reasons. What is done cannot be and can be undone, if need be.

Anonymous said...

it can be done.... but does the ink run? only time will tell....

findingmywingsinlife said...

Everything for LOVE...hmmm. Is it to show that Love can be done, or that everything to try to find it can be? That's what this left me wondering when I read it.. Hugs to you, lots and lots of hugs to you. Can't wait to see you next weekend!

Spaghetti Fields said...

If you can make it work and it makes you happy- then I'm happy for you! Plus July 6th is my oldest son's b-day so that is a bonus, too. :)